Probiotics and the Immune System

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Let’s talk about probiotics and the immune system. Can supplementing with these tiny organisms help you stay healthy? School is in session, and the dark cold days of winter are arriving. Unfortunately, this also means cold and flu seasons have begun. Respiratory illnesses are currently surging throughout the United States as hospitals report high rates…

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Probiotics for Men

probiotics for men

What are the “best” probiotics for men?   In our blog post The Importance of Men’s Gut Health, we learn that a gut is not just a gut. Although men and women have similar GI systems, there are unique differences between their gut microbiomes. Preliminary research shows that men have several male-specific health conditions that link to…

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Getting Dirty

Getting Dirty

What if getting “dirty” is actually good for your health?  You’ve probably heard the saying “A little dirt don’t hurt!” Perhaps you’ve heard that running around outside barefoot can actually benefit your immune system, or that getting exposed to pet dander and farm animals can help prevent allergies. Thoughts like these became popularized through a…

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Alcohol Use and Gut Health: A Crossroads

alcohol use and gut health

Have you ever wondered how alcohol use affects your gut health? As summertime approaches, kicking back on the deck with an ice-cold cocktail sound like a great way to end the day. Is a small amount of alcohol better than a large amount of alcohol? How does alcohol use affect the gut and the bacteria…

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C-section Birth & the Microbiome

Mother and baby after C-section birth

Giving birth is one of the most profound experiences of life, occurring every second of every day all over the world. It can also be one of the most overwhelming experiences, especially when pregnancy complications arise.    According to the World Health Organization, cesarean section (C-section) use continues to rise globally. As a result, we’re seeing…

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Do you, or does someone you know, suffer from IBS? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects an estimated 10-15% of the American population. However, only 5-7% of those actually receive the diagnosis. 

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Endometriosis and the Gut, A Powerful Connection


Endometriosis.  You’ve likely heard this term before, but do you know what it is?  Perhaps you know someone who has been afflicted by this painful disorder. Or maybe, you’re an endometriosis warrior yourself. The prevalence of endometriosis is estimated at 10% of reproductive women worldwide.  That’s 1 in 10 females between the ages of 12…

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FODMAPs Explained 

FODMAPs Explained

Most people do not have to follow the low FODMAP diet to have a good life. However, those who suffer from IBS may find this food plan the best way to manage the painful symptoms of the disease. 

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Best Time to Take Probiotics

Best time to take probiotics

When is the best time to take my probiotic? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Many probiotic products on the market today have guidelines on when it’s best to take them. Who doesn’t want to get the most out of their supplement? One of the best things about Flourish is the secret of the…

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Autoimmune Disease and the Gut

autoimmune disease

As we continue to grow in depth of knowledge about gut health, let’s further our investigation about the immune system as it relates to autoimmune disease.  We should begin with the definition of autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is when the body seemingly spontaneously recognizes the native cells of the body as foreign invaders. Because…

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