Probiotics for Men

probiotics for men

What are the “best” probiotics for men?   In our blog post The Importance of Men’s Gut Health, we learn that a gut is not just a gut. Although men and women have similar GI systems, there are unique differences between their gut microbiomes. Preliminary research shows that men have several male-specific health conditions that link to…

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Alcohol Use and Gut Health: A Crossroads

alcohol use and gut health

Have you ever wondered how alcohol use affects your gut health? As summertime approaches, kicking back on the deck with an ice-cold cocktail sound like a great way to end the day. Is a small amount of alcohol better than a large amount of alcohol? How does alcohol use affect the gut and the bacteria…

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Do you, or does someone you know, suffer from IBS? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects an estimated 10-15% of the American population. However, only 5-7% of those actually receive the diagnosis. 

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