Probiotics and Seasonal Allergies

Probiotics and seasonal allergies

As flowers bloom and the sun begins to shine brighter, many eagerly welcome the arrival of spring. However, for some, this beautiful season can bring along an unwelcome companion – seasonal allergies. Fortunately, there is a natural ally that may help the fight against the unfortunate symptoms of seasonal allergies – probiotics! How Can Probiotics…

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Antibiotics and Probiotics

Antibiotics and the Need for Probiotics The topic of antibiotics is one of duality. On one side of the coin, antibiotics provide a powerful and effective way to treat bacterial infections. They have transformed once-deadly diseases into manageable and often curable conditions. On the other side, antibiotics can cause some serious side effects, especially within…

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What are Postbiotics?


In recent years, the field of gut health has gone through many shifts in focus beyond just the importance of probiotics. Likely, if you’re familiar with probiotics, you have also heard of prebiotics and how they can help feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract. But did you know there is a third amigo…

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What is SIBO?  Small intestine bacterial overgrowth, better known as SIBO, is a challenge that many Americans face every year. Although the small intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract, bacteria don’t typically like to make it their home. This is partially due to the presence of bile from the stomach that must…

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Probiotics for Athletes

probiotics for athletes

Athletes are constantly seeking ways to improve their performance, whether through training, nutrition, or recovery strategies. An area that is gaining significant attention is the use of probiotics for athletes to enhance overall athletic performance. Benefits of Exercise on Gut Health Regular physical activity is associated with a more diverse and balanced gut microbiota. A…

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Probiotics and Breastfeeding


New mothers undoubtedly dedicate themselves to providing the best care and nourishment for their little bundles of joy. While breastfeeding is already a remarkable way to offer optimal nutrition to a newborn, the power of supplementing probiotics and breastfeeding can take the benefits of breastfeeding to a whole new level!

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Food Allergy or Food Intolerance?

lactose intolerant

Food sensitivities and allergies are on the rise around the world in an alarming rate. An estimated 20% of Americans struggle with a food allergy or intolerance. But what’s the difference?  

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UTI and Yeast Infection Prevention with Probiotics

prevent yeast infections and uti with probiotics

Urinary tract infections (UTI) and yeast infections are two of the most common types of infections that women experience. Often, these infections can be uncomfortable and painful and can even lead to more serious health problems if left untreated. Fortunately, UTI and yeast infection prevention with probiotics can help! What Causes UTIs and Yeast Infections?…

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Probiotics and the Immune System

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Let’s talk about probiotics and the immune system. Can supplementing with these tiny organisms help you stay healthy? School is in session, and the dark cold days of winter are arriving. Unfortunately, this also means cold and flu seasons have begun. Respiratory illnesses are currently surging throughout the United States as hospitals report high rates…

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