Prioritize Gut Health as your New Year’s Resolution

drink your probiotics

Happy 2025! Gut fit check! Where are we at with our resolutions? A new year is a new beginning, and many of us are committed to the resolutions we think will help us improve our health and well-being. I know I am! Several of the noble and popular goals often include losing weight, exercising more,…

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Constipation in Children


Constipation can be a common issue among children and babies, often causing significant discomfort and distress for both the child and the caregivers. In fact, constipation in children is a major health issue across the world with a global prevalence of 9.5%. Importantly, one must understand the causes, symptoms, and remedies for constipation to help…

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Probiotics for Constipation

probiotics for contipation

Constipation affects millions of people of all ages worldwide every year. Fortunately, there is a science-backed natural option for helping to alleviate constipation, probiotics!

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Alcohol Use and Gut Health: A Crossroads

alcohol use and gut health

Have you ever wondered how alcohol use affects your gut health? As summertime approaches, kicking back on the deck with an ice-cold cocktail sound like a great way to end the day. Is a small amount of alcohol better than a large amount of alcohol? How does alcohol use affect the gut and the bacteria…

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Do you, or does someone you know, suffer from IBS? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects an estimated 10-15% of the American population. However, only 5-7% of those actually receive the diagnosis. 

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Back to School Checklist

Back to School checklist

It’s already time to begin thinking about changing up the daily routine as many of us are preparing the kids to go back to school. Stay organized and feel accomplished with checklists! Week Before Back-to-School Checklist If you have a young child who may be a bit nervous for the school year to start, this…

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Hydration Motivation

Pouring water

The human body uses water for many processes to maintain homeostasis. It is also used in the body’s efforts to regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients, maintain electrolyte balance, and keep organs working correctly.  As we’ve learned before, one of the primary roles of the lining of the gut is to transport nutrients from the gut…

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